About us

We're a locally based small group of housing providers in Richmond who believe we reflect the larger majority of rental housing owners in the city. We've come together through necessity. What started out as a small email chain has quickly grown, and we realize that our experiences align with many other property owners who are in our position. We believe in pragmatic thought processes, and diplomatic efforts as a means to express our needs and concerns. If we can show Richmond that housing providers are mostly members of its own community and background, then finding balanced solutions is the only way to maintain the city's integrity.


Mike Vasilas

I've been a resident of Richmond since 2010 having owned rental property in the city since 2008. I work as a general contractor and real estate broker, with my business being based out of Richmond. Over the course of my career I've had a hands on approach to managing both mine and my family's rental property, having managed hundreds of tenancies over the years. I feel as if I have a great understanding of the city's dynamic, what it takes to manage rental property in Richmond, and how huge of an impact rent control will have on both the business and city in general. Therefore, I'm very passionate about advocating for a balanced system as I know how crucial it will be in maintaining the integrity of the city.


Ilona Clark

I've been an ICU nurse for almost 20 years. I took over management of my Dad's 5 unit building in 2012 to help support him. I have been on a steep learning curve ever since. In 2013, my husband and I bought a duplex in Richmond (not yet rent controlled at that time). When rent control was voted in, in Richmond, I was in the unusual position of being a Richmond housing provider with some experience in rent control. We have tried to work with our rent board staff to craft regulations that are more balanced than regulations have been in other jurisdictions. Our aim was to avoid past mistakes. While the process was educational, the outcome was disappointing. While rent control in Richmond is the reality, we are hoping the present system may be changed to something less conflict-oriented, less litigious, less expensive. Regulations should support both renters and housing providers and help bring people together to hash out issues before they rise to the level of paying lawyers. These same laws should protect both "sides" from abuse. We believe we are in this together, only together, can we succeed.

“Richmond can do better”

What We've Achieved

-Organized in a small period of time

-Created outreach to other rental housing owners in the city who may need support

-Attended Rent Board meetings, workshops, and small private sessions to help influence the decision making with our suggestions

- Taken the initiative to create relationships with community leaders and stakeholders of the city as a method of bridge building.